Welcome to Our Gallery SEE OUR SCHOOL IN PICTURES Here is our gallery from our Instagram account. Please share and follow. the_french_school_harare 🎥 Take a Tour of Groupe Scolaire Jean de La Fon French: Les élèves de grande section explore leu CE1 CE2 began their PE sessions with traditional g The Groupe Scolaire Jean de La Fontaine had the ho Every morning, the CE1-CE2s gather around the teac C'est parti pour CE1-CE2! Our French grammar jour Stay connected with The French School of Harare! Instagram post 17939831840865245 Meet our amazing teachers! At The French School H Instagram post 18030202640202713 #harare #frencheducation #frenchschoolopenweek #li 🌐 We’re Live! 🎉 We are excited to announc Load More Follow on Instagram