On Thursday, January 16, the students at Groupe Scolaire Jean de la Fontaine celebrated a beloved French tradition—making and enjoying the Galette des Rois (King’s Cake).
Our kindergarten and primary school students rolled up their sleeves and embraced the joy of baking as each class crafted their very own galette. Under the guidance of their teachers, the little bakers learned the art of pastry-making while discovering the history and significance of this cherished French custom.
As the galettes came out of the oven golden and delicious, the students eagerly gathered to share their creations. Tradition came to life as slices were handed out, and the discovery of the fève (hidden charm) crowned kings and queens for the day. The excitement and pride were visible in every child’s smile.
This celebration was about more than just delicious food; it was a chance for the children to immerse themselves in French culture, teamwork, and a shared sense of joy. It was a day filled with learning, laughter, and sweet memories for our entire community.

Vive les rois et les reines!
#GaletteDesRois #FrenchTradition #GroupeScolaireJeanDeLaFontaine #JoyfulLearning #CommunityCelebration