Hello everyone,
The week has gone by so fast and the days have flown by at such a crazy pace that I’ve barely caught a glimpse of the parma of the blooming jacarandas and the roundness of the full moon. A week of teamwork and meetings between the school teachers and the parents of our youngest pupils, a week of talks with each of the technical staff and with each of the outside contributors who look after your children during their extracurricular activities.

The entire secondary school team will meet parents of middle and high school students on Tuesday, October 3 from 5 pm. On the agenda: explanation of how the collège and lycée work, distance learning, presentation of key moments in the school year, mock and real exams, and pedagogical organization.

Extra-curricular activities began this week, and we’re delighted with the quality of the activities on offer and the enthusiasm of your children. Of course, it’s all about relaxation and play, but it’s also about acquiring new psycho-social, artistic, intellectual, and sporting skills. We’re in talks with Dolphin Swimming Academy about a future swimming activity, and we’ll be sure to keep you informed. I’m meeting the instructor next Thursday.

Next week Amy Trataris and I will be working together to fine-tune the organization of the After School Club, securing staff numbers, entrances, and exits. In fact, we need to know in advance the identity of the children taking part in the ASC and the number of staff, for the sake of safety and good care.

You have today received an e-mail from my secretariat concerning the forthcoming elections for parents’ representatives, which will take place on Friday, October 13. The e-mail concerning the elections for representatives of the various staff categories will go out on Monday morning. This year, we’ll be working hard to build a close and fruitful partnership with parent and staff representatives, bringing all the school’s bodies to life.

I’m pleased to end my Friday Letter by urging you to read the presentation of Ms. Kénitha Djamby, the school’s new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Mrs Muriel Kasiyazi, who is in charge of the school library, has also written a letter to you about the library’s operation prior to the works.
I wish you a pleasant weekend and hope you’ll look up from time to time to admire the beauty of the trees in bloom and the brightness of the moon.
Yours sincerely,