Projet d’établissement 2021-2024

Notre école en photos

Dernières actualités

Letter from the Headmistress

Letter from the Headmistress

Good day to all, The heat of this past day didn't stop some of the kindergarteners from kneading bread and baking it, thanks to the initiative of Mmes Melot and Chevallier in bringing in Mr. Banville, who runs the Café de Paris and enabled the children to discover the...

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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

J'espère que cette deuxième semaine de cours s'est bien passée et que vos enfants reprennent un rythme scolaire sans trop de difficultés. Je m'astreins à être présente au portail le matin à partir de 7h40 et à 13h àdès que mon emploi du temps me le permet afin de...

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Friday Letter from the Headmistress

Friday Letter from the Headmistress

Hello everyone,The week has gone by so fast and the days have flown by at such a crazy pace that I've barely caught a glimpse of the parma of the blooming jacarandas and the roundness of the full moon. A week of teamwork and meetings between the school teachers and...

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Semaine de l’Europe Europe’s week

For the Europe Week, EFH received a visit from Mrs. Lourdes Chamorro, Head of the Political and Information Section at the Delegation of the European Union in Harare on 11 May.On this occasion, Mrs....

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Comic book activity

The students of the EFH benefited from an extracurricular activity around comics. Here are the results of the work done by these students accompanied by Mr. Oganessova.   LIVRETTélécharger

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La grande lessive

La Grande Lessive® est une installation artistique éphémère intergénérationnelle et internationale composée de réalisations plastiques de format A4 (dessins, peintures, photographies, images...

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